the things that boys shouldn't say
the things they should never mention
well not to girls anyway
the mention may be warranted
it might even be the truth
but girls are fragile creatures
so especially in their youth
imagine a huge axe
that fells a tree
blow by blow by blow
each time the ax falls the tree breaks a little
one word and she breaks a little more
a tree may be a strong thing
it might stand pround and tall
it might never show any sign of pain
blow by blow by blow
down the tree falls
even if we are friends
even if it's true
even if I ask for it
or if I say I'll still love you
never never never
never tell me I'm fat
never tell me to wear make up or go running or any of the rest of that
I'm not blind or stupid
I can see for myself who I am
When I ask for your opinion
I'm really asking you to be man
Because who is to say,
that I'm ugly or fat or dull
Im only uglier than her or her
or fatter than them all
so if you understand that
don't compare me to the rest
you're not lying if you tell me I'm beautiful
you sense of beauty is just correct